Hello World
Finally! I am very happy that I launched this blog, an idea I had for some time. And, no, it's not a Wordpress: P. From 0 to blog, using Laravel framework and JavaScript. Did I get your attention? I will tell more in future posts, so, stick around & keep your eyes open.
Howdy ! I am Florin and thank you for reading this post.

I am proud to be part of the first line of Generation Z and I can even say that I was born at the beginning of technology in Romania . I had contact with the first computer when I was 6 years old, a desktop PC with Windows 3.0, being visiting with parents to some family friends. Do you remember the sound of the floppy disks? What about the keyboard? Unmistakable! It was the moment when the wheels of my brain began to spin at full speed. Basically, I was fascinated by a metal box with a noisy keyboard and a monitor with several icons displayed of which I did not understand much. And two years later I got the first computer. Yes! That Compaq with a 500mghz Intel processor. What times...
My desire towards inforamtics profile took on an increasingly robust outline for which my skills and knowledge about ICT (Information and Communication Technology) developed harmoniously. The first results appear in the gymnasium, participating for 3 years in a row in the ICT Olympics with very good results and I am declared the school's computer scientist. At the proposal of the high school principal, I am involved as DTP (Desktop publishing) for Micul Albatros magazine and later, Agora magazine, which involves content creation, technical editing and the development of a magazine layout / design. Through a partnership between high school and Oracle Academy, I support my first certification from the portfolio - Award of Course Completion for Database Design and Programming with SQL. I am a devoted person with simple principles, which is why I learned all 12 classes in the same high school - Spiru C. Haret from Buzau.
I never give up my dream of becoming a programmer and I manage to be admitted to the University of Transylvania - Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics in Brasov. From the faculty benches, I take the first steps to apply for a job in the true sense of the word and after a few junior experiences I manage to have my own programmer's office at GoSocial Development. A great period, where I spent 5 years consolidating my position as a PHP backend developer. The experience I live now at Arnia Software involves being up to date with the technologies used and through this blog I hope to send you as much of my tech knowledge and all kinds of tips & tricks that I use daily but also useful information that I have obtained from other developers.
Here are some funny facts about me:
- I live in Brasov
- I am married to my wife Daniela
- I am passionate about motorcycles and I own one
- I am addicted to coffee, music and Chinese food
- I play guitar from time to time
- I love nature and its landscapes